Reebok Step - The Original - Red

  • Valmistaja Reebok
  • Tuote RAP-11150RD
  • Tilattavissa: 10+

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  • Valmistaja Reebok
  • Tuote RAP-11150RD
  • Tilattavissa: 10+

Reebok STEP

The latest step by Reebok is made of the highest quality materials. It is perfect for both home and group training. The potential of this equipment is almost unlimited. It will be useful during cardio training, strength and functional exercises, aerobics, as well as for more general fitness sessions. To help you get started, you'll get access to free online video workouts.

The textured surface provides even more grip compared to previous step generations. It gives you the confidence you need to jump, walk and train in complete safety. The bottom of the step has as many as eight rubber-covered points where it comes into contact with the ground. This prevents slipping and also absorbs impacts. In addition, you can set the step height to one of three levels (15, 20 and 25 cm), depending on your height and the type of training you plan to do. 

The original Reebok step was first introduced to fitness clubs in 1989 as a revolutionary and highly effective cardio training device. It quickly became an international phenomenon as millions of people from around the world used it to stay fit.


  • Weight: 7 kg
  • Dimensions: 102 x 38.5 x 25 cm (L x W x H)
  • Maximum user weight: 110 kg
  • 3-step adjustment heights: 15, 20, 25 cm
  • Warranty: 2 years


Physical activity and the joy of doing sports work on both the body and the mind. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies and the unique design of Reebok equipment and accessories, each workout brings you closer to achieving your goal.

Reebok goes beyond accepted standards, giving you training products of above average quality.

Perfectly selected materials, reliability and innovation in design mean that by choosing Reebok products, you will enjoy them for many years.




Reebok on brändi, joka tunnetaan kaikkialla maailmassa ja jolla on pitkät perinteet kuntoilun alalla. Reebok on ollut brändi, joka ylittää kaikki rajat. Reebok aloitti tuottamalla kuntoiluvaatteita, mutta nyt se suunnittelee ja valmistaa erilaisia kuntoiluvälineitä – step-lautoja, käsipainoja, kuntopalloja, rep settejä ja myös kuntoilulaitteitä – crosstrainereita, juoksumatoja ja kuntopyöriä.

Reebok pyrkii kannustamaan ihmisiä aktiiviseen elämäntapaan, joka antaa meille mahdollisuuden olla parhaimmillamme fyysisesti, henkisesti ja sosiaalisesti.

Olemme uteliaita, provokatiivisia ja nokkelia. Me olemme Reebok!

Perustanut: Joseph William Foster      Päämaja: Boston, USA      Brändi: Perustettu vuonna 1895


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